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Blog [Poem] The Lover You Are Looking For

The lover you are looking for 
Loves their own company
They rest in the bliss of their being
And share themselves from here.

The lover you are looking for
Is in love with beauty itself 
They pause to be touched by life
They become silent when looking at the stars
And they look at you the same way.

The lover you are looking for 
Is not waiting to love 
They have found the foundations of love
Beyond you 
And with you 
They share the wealth of their discovery.

The lover you are looking for
Is bursting with playfulness 
Inviting spontaneity 
With no desire to entertain you.

The lover you are looking for 
Loves you as nature loves you
With unmistakable boundaries.

The lover you are looking for 
Gives you space when life challenges you
They are not afraid of your emotions 
And their understanding eyes
Dissolve you into laughter and rest.

The lover you are looking for
Has a presence that guides you home 
Without expectation 
Ever fresh and willing to listen.

The lover you are looking for 
Makes love to you
With the power of the universe
behind them
This is the surrender
You have been tentatively calling in 
To be opened beyond closing. 

The lover you are looking for 
Is the poem you wrote 
Every moment kissed by celebration 
And when they pass away
Leaving their body behind 
You expand
Beyond any reference point
You can claim to be yours.

This divine grief 
Only knows eternal bliss. 

The lover you are looking for
Will only arrive when you fall in love 
With who you are 
Beyond who you 
Believe yourself to be.

And together you share 
In this mysterious dream
As awakened beings 
From the light that holds the stars.

by Chris Knight 

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