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Discover the art of being true to yourself.

Transform your life from the inside out.

Skill Up For Freedom

Be honest...

Avoiding the inner work

How many times have you gone against yourself in jobs, relationships, when making pressured decisions, or after being triggered or traumatised by events and circumstances?

Notice the emotional toxicity, reactions, compensation, addictions and distraction that crop up as the coping strategies to deal with this stuff - only making matters worse.

This is the wake up call to learn how to reconnect and be true to ourselves on a much deeper level. 

After years of living with chronic pain, unresolved relationship baggage and feeling my life had no meaning...

I began the journey of radical authenticity and inner work practices that turned it all around.

My mission, passion and joy...


For over 15 years I have dedicated my life to providing education, skills and tools to overcome unresolved emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs that shape our life choices and relationships.    


If you are struggling with your relationships, health, finances or purpose - be sure there is inner work to be done!

Get the support that transforms your life

Become a Member

Access Chris Knight's flagship Self Intelligence Course and Community - only $23 per week (cancel anytime).

Chris is the most practical spiritual person I have ever met. My life has actually changed. Adam - UK

We have been conditioned to believe that when we get the relationship, the career and the love and approval of others - the feeling of freedom and happiness will follow.

Unfortunately for most people - it's not working.

It's not working because we have been conditioned to betray ourselves to get the 'lives' we believe will make us happy.

Too many people are feeling stuck, trapped and overwhelmed in a life that feels like a comfortable nightmare.

The truth is...

A life of freedom manifests from the inside out. It happens when you learn how to be true to yourself. It is a skill, not a given.

And I'm not talking about being true to the voice in your head or anything you have become identified with 'as you'.

Being true to yourself is to learn how to live beyond the ego masks we carry to protect ourselves from being hurt, humiliated or traumatised.

Being true to yourself means being willing to learn how to question your beliefs, face your fears and overcome conditioned judgments about yourself that block your natural expression and authenticity.

This is how we stop recreating our past.

In the vibration of your true self, the dream relationship we always knew was possible can show up and clarity about your purpose in life can reveal itself.

Life becomes a joy again.

And taking care of your health, finances, relationships and purpose becomes filled with gratitude.

This is your natural state and I would be honored to walk this journey with you. 

Work with Chris

FREE Workshop

If you want to taste test Chris's approach to self empowerment you are invited to attend the Wake Up Experience Workshop for FREE. 

This is not just another free workshop. The Wake Up Experience reveals who you really are and provides a clear roadmap to heal all areas of your life. 

Private 1:1 Sessions

Chris has been transforming people's lives for the past 15 years. His approach is profoundly practical and enlightening. 

Chris empowers you with tried and tested tools, skills and experiences that dramatically improve the way you approach health, wealth, relationships and purpose.


Chris offers a Membership for those who want to take the journey alongside like-heart people.

The Membership offers empowerment through awareness practices, weekly live meditation and Integration Sessions, all centred around his signature course - Self Intelligence. 

Optimise Your Health.

Create Your Dream Relationship.

Master Your Finances.

Discover Your Purpose.

Optimise Your Health

  • Have you noticed the impact stress, overwhelm and toxic lifestyle habits have on your physical, emotional and mental health?

  • Are you struggling to understand or resolve body-mind symptoms manifesting from unresolved emotions, limiting belief systems and traumatic past experiences?

  • Are you ready to take responsibility for your internal state to address health issues at the root cause without having to dig up your past or spend years in therapy? 

My chronic pain has finally shifted! I am forever grateful. Kim - USA

Create Your Dream Relationship

  • Are you frustrated with attracting relationships that leave you feeling wounded and shut down to love and connection?

  • Are you fed up cycling through the same old relationship patterns and emotional triggers that result in disconnection and mistrust?

  • Are you ready to discover the mirror relationships are trying to reveal so that you can attract and create your dream relationship?

I got more out of one session with Chris than 3 years of relationship therapy! Sara - AUS

Master Your Finances

  • Can you see the connection money has with your internal sense of value and self worth?

  • Do you feel shame, guilt or fear to look at your finances and never feel like you have enough money to support your highest values?

  • Are you ready to realign the beliefs, habits and behaviours you have around money to serve your highest values and purpose?

I'm finally out of debt and starting to invest, which I didn't think was possible. Chris has the most comprehensive process I have ever seen. Everyone should learn money management. Jake - AUS

Discover Your Purpose

  • Do you know deep down you are here for something more meaningful than fulfilling the expectations of others?

  • Do you sense you have untapped gifts and talents but you have no idea how to access them or how to bring them into this world? 

  • Are you ready to align your life with your unique expression and your innate purpose? Do you refuse to die wondering what it could have been like to live the life you were born to live?

If I only learnt this at school I would have saved years of heartache in unfulfilling work. Working with Chris has been a life saver. Tom - NZ

Quotes by Chris Knight


Work with Chris

FREE Workshop

If you want to taste test Chris's approach to self empowerment you are invited to attend the Wake Up Experience Workshop for Free. 

This is not just another free workshop. The Wake Up Experience reveals who you really are and provides a clear roadmap to heal all areas of your life. 

Private 1:1 Sessions

Chris has been transforming people's lives for the past 15 years. His approach is profoundly practical and enlightening. 

Chris empowers you with tried and tested tools, skills and experiences that dramatically improve the way you approach health, wealth, relationships and purpose.


Chris offers a Membership for those who want to take the journey alongside like-heart people.

The Membership offers empowerment through life changing self awareness practices, weekly live meditation and Integration Sessions, all centred around his signature course - Self Intelligence. 

Client Love

Don't know where to start...

Book a FREE 'Create the Life You Love' strategy call to discover the best approach for you and your situation.