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Work With Me

Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Ready to create the life you were born to live?

Receive tailored guidence and support

I commend you for seeking support right now. I know it’s vulnerable. It takes guts and usually a fair amount of pain to reach out for answers beyond what you can work out for yourself. Or perhaps you want to amplify your already amazing life.
Either way, I’m honoured.

Let's make sure this is the right fit for you. No obligation.

Client Love
Chris sessions

My success with thousands of clients over the past 15 years is to provide unparalleled education, skills and habits that remove the unresolved emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs that stop people from being true to themselves

With 1:1 sessions, the knowledge and skills I offer are tailored directly to your current life situation

Plus, I am here to guide and support you through any resistance that may arise, reveal your blind spots and keep you accountable to the journey of self-alignment.

For more specific information about Private 1:1 Coaching Session, including:

  • What to expect in a session
  • Pricing
  • Timeframe
  • Session duration and delivery
  • Course and Community Access
  • Payment Options
  • And more

And to make sure what I'm offering is the right fit for you.

Book a FREE, no-obligation 'Create Your Life' strategy call to discover the best approach for you and your situation.

I look forward to meeting with you soon,


Book a No Obligation Call

To discover if working with Chris is the best approach for you and your situation.